Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sobering News

Just a couple of weeks ago, I boarded an American Airlines flight from Heathrow Airport, outside London, bound for New York's JFK airport. Today I awoke to hear the news that Al Qaeda linked terrorists were targeting just such flights with sophisticated liquid bombs, planning to detonate them in mid air causing the maximum loss of innocent life.
Two thoughts come immediately to mind:
(1) I'm glad I'm not travelling at this moment in time and looking back just a couple of weeks, I was somewhat surprised at the lack of intense baggage and personal inspections both in the UK and Stateside.
(2) I'm grateful for vigilant security forces on both sides of the Atlantic and for the skillful investigative capabilities of both nations who are able to interdict such plans in a timely manner and so prevent greater tragedies than have already occured.
It is also apparent that our intelligence and Homeland Security personnel cannot rest for even a moment as this ongoing clash of culture, religion and civilizations continues.
While all eyes are on Lebanon and Israel, the terrorists are eying America and the rest of the western world like a coiled snake ready to strike.
As we approach the fifth anniversary of September 11th, we would do well to remember that our enemy still lurks and we have not yet won this war.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Not too smart a war being waged by the media.

We are extremely naive when it comes to what we believe from our media. They always seems to have a grandstand view of the war which leads the cynic in me to wonder if it is not being staged for their benefit. The news that the Kana massacre might in fact be an elaborate fraud created by Hezbollah should surprise no-one -
but unfortunately it obviously fooled major world leaders, Condoleeza Rice and others.
This is a war and a time when we need to trust our spiritual eyes and not our natural. We are living in an age of manipulation and unfortunately....this is no magic show!!