On my way to an Encounter God weekend, where I was to lead worship, I stopped off at a christian bookstore (two actually!!...) and picked up a new CD by a group called "Leeland". It was on sale for the ridiculous price of $6.99. I didn't immediately put it in because, quite honestly, I was not sure what it would sound like - I only had a vague feeling that my children probably had heard them on one of their favorite screamo-emo christian rock shows. Instead I inserted into the CD player the latest offering from CCM's current darling Jeremy Camp. I think I listened for about three songs and after being suitable un-impressed, I took a chance on "Leeland". The opening and title track, 'Sound of Melodies' burst like a wave of cool refreshment into my speeding van and I found myself captured by meaning and passion (something strangely lacking in the Jeremy Camp offering). Great opening I thought, then came track two "Reaching"- equally captivating as I found myself singing along and soaring with the lead singer's Keane-like vocals. Then on to track three and four (the wonderful "Tears of the Saints" with a line 'this is an emergency' which ranks as one of the most telling lyric lines in recent memory...) And so on through the rest of the album. Shades of Delirious, the afore mentioned Keane and even the Afters, but ultimately this is a majestic freshman effort by a band fronted by an eighteen year-old with a genuine message delivered in a pure and powerful yet vulnerable voice. Check it out - the new sound of worship from "Leeland"