Though there were tears from O.J. Simpson, I doubt there were too many tears shed for him today, following his sentencing for his part in an armed robbery and kidnapping episode in Las Vegas. At the age of 61, a sentence of any length would be justified in the minds of many who felt that justice was denied all those years ago in the more famous and grisly first O.J. Simpson trial. What stood out about this particular incident was the crass stupidity of it all - it was as though O.J. was in some kind of altered reality that denied him the opportunity to see clearly. Good judgement has seemed to markedly absent from his life ever since he signed on for the Naked Gun franchise!! Well the good news is there will be no riots this time and possibly no more attempts to cash in on one of America's most bizarre obsessions by O.J. himself or by anyone else even remotely connected with him. Three hots and a cot....there's something to look forward to!