Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bombs, Blair and Bush.

Make no mistake...the global war on terror goes on. Thankfully President Bush and Prime Minister Blair are firm in their resolve as instanced by their reaction to today's horrific bomb blasts in central London. This is a war of ideologies and cultures - many doubt if the fat and happy western world has the stomach to fight for its own survival. Personally I am grateful for two world leaders, who for all their failings, see this one issue crystally clear. If we do not triumph in this one cause we shall lose everything.
We may hate war, despise the loss of life and resent the expense of prosecuting a war; but desperate times need desperate measures and cometh the hour cometh the man (or men). It's time for both countries to rally, to pray and then put whatever resources are necessary to achieve the ultimate objective. We must prevail in Iraq, continue to aid Afghanistan and track down terrorists wherever they are. We must maintain Guantanamo Bay and not bow to outside pressure. We must remain on a war footing!
For those called to's time to ascend the wall again with renewed intensity, remembering that,"We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers of wickedness in high places."

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