"To put it bluntly, we’re just plain gullible."
In those words Lee Grady sums up the view of many, I'm sure, with the news that not only has Todd Bentley left the Lakeland revival but then shortly afterward, announced that he and his wife Shonna were separating. While the circumstances surrounding the separation are not known, what is apparent is that many thousands of people and even respected leaders, seemed to uncritically endorse a revival that had certain questionable manifestations associated with it.
That in itself should once again bring into question the American pre-deliction for cults of personality, when 'moves of God' seem inextricably linked to one name.
Grady is right to call the Body of Christ to account, just as he is right to say:
"We are weathering an unprecedented season of moral failure and spiritual compromise in our nation today. I urge everyone in the charismatic world to pray for Bentley; his wife, Shonnah; his three young children; Bentley’s ministry staff; and the men and women who serve as his counselors and advisers. Let’s pray that God will turn this embarrassing debacle into an opportunity for miraculous restoration."
he is also correct in his assertion that, "...God desires to visit our nation in supernatural power. I know He wants to heal multitudes, and I will continue praying for a healing revival to sweep across the United States. But we must contend for the genuine, not an imitation. True revival will be accompanied by brokenness, humility, reverence and repentance—not the arrogance, showmanship and empty hype that often was on display in Lakeland."
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