That Nancy Pelosi ascended to the pinnacle of Speaker of the House is one of the conundrums of our day. Together with Senator Harry Reid, we seem to be beset with such overwhelming, mind-numbing imbecility at the top that it really makes President Obama look brilliant! (...Ahhhh! I've finally realized what's going on....) Nancy's latest stupidity was to suggest that lowering the birth rate through increased funding would somehow stimulate the economy, when in fact the creation of a new generation of consumers is just what our economy needs. But then again when you seem intent on creating an ever bigger nanny state and espousing a European model of socialism, then I can see how you might think that. After all we have made a large part of Europe despise us and now we have to worm our way back into their good graces....Why? for heaven's sake? The European community have no cohesive vision, at least not one rooted in reality. They are wallowing in a mess of their own making, all the while blaming America for the problem. Nancy Pelosi needs to emigrate to Italy and run for the European parliament - she will feel right at home in a decaying civilization!
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