Wednesday, August 16, 2006

How do you score a war?

We now have a tenuous but intact cease fire between Hezbollah and Israel. It seems unlikely that it will hold because nothing essentially has changed. Israel bowed to international pressure and stopped short of what was necessary in order to remove the terrorist threat from its northern border. Hezbollah is claiming both a moral and territorial victory. They are still in place. They still have the capability to launch Katusha rockets, and the Lebanese government is retreating from the notion of disarming them.
How do you score a war like this? Maybe you don' simply prepare for a 'do-over'.
The western media are almost reluctantly giving the victory on points to Sheik Nasrallah and his cronies. Ehud Olmert looks set to retire from competitive war making in the not too distant future.
Look for Bebe Netanyahu to emerge as the warrior king, just in time for the rematch. And this time expect hell and fury to be unleashed, not only upon Lebanon, but upon Syria and Iran too!