Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two Americas Indeed!

I don't know if this is a spoof or not but I love this cover. Hypocrisy is alive and well in America. At the same time the LA times have instructed their reporters not to blog about the Edwards story because it originated in the National Enquirer. Funny, they didn't have the same reservation when there was innuendo about John McCain's alleged dalliance with a female lobbyist......hmmmn

Friday, July 25, 2008

Edwards in hot water

New reports are saying that Senator John Edwards, he of the youthful smile and $100 haircuts, has fathered a baby out of wedlock (I love that word!...) and ran into a host of photographers at the a Beverly Hills hotel as he was meeting with mistress and baby...
As you may recall, his wife Elizabeth is battling breast cancer. What does this remind us? Being photogenic is no mark of character... and voicing an issue ( poverty...two americas...) is all well and good, but a man who disrespects his wife in such a way does not deserve even an ounce of reportage and even less respect himself - he is , as they say in England...A CAD!!
Senator Obama - beware!