Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Cameron gives UK glimmer of hope for change

Even though all eyes are currently on the impending US election, I hope it will not be too long before the Brits have the task of electing a new Government. Although Tony Blair was a staunch American ally in the war on terror, for which we are all grateful, the incursion of the 'Nanny' state into all of British society has definitely been detrimental and has frustrated a large sector of the British populace.
It is time to rein back some of the influence of big government and this seems to be something that David Cameron is willing to do. Also, it is reassuring that, after some time, the Conservative party leadership is willing to acknowledge the immense impact of the Thatcher years and honor her forthright and principled (though sometimes heavy-handed) leadership.

Click on the title to read Cameron's address to the Conservative Party conference in full