Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui and red flags has posted some of Cho Seung-Hui's writings and considering that he was a senior in a prestigious University maybe the biggest red flag should have not just been the expressions of rage and hate that are contained therein but that his writing was not what I would imagine University level creative writing should be. It raises the question as to what standard they are expecting on a college level these days.
Of course, Cho is not the first writer to ever spew hatefilled rhetoric or dwell on the bizarre or horrific - and I'm not condoning either but there are also examples of horror and violence in literature that are still considered great literature - some of the pre-Shakespearean plays for example.
That said, it could be that no-one was willing to confront his lack of creative writing ability for fear that he might 'go postal'. Unfortunately it was to no avail. The lack of confrontation appears to have only increased his sense of alienation resulting in this monumental tragedy.
To be fair, his professor attempted to have him go to counselling but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Maybe the emotional damage had been done years before and like post-traumatic stress disorder, surfaced to cataclysmic results, this past Tuesday.