Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Syrian Bride

The Syrian Bride is a powerful drama based on a true story. My wife Allison was just in the village where the story took place and met some of the family. This film has won a number of awards already and is scheduled for commercial release in the US later this year.

courtesy of jnthnmoore

Even though the film is subtitled, with actors speaking Arabic, Hebrew, Russian and English at different times, the pace and deft touch with which this drama unfolds, soon finds the viewer drawn into the world of the Druze, a unusual religious sect trapped in the middle of the conflict over the Golan heights between Syria and Israel. The actors are very effective and convey a range of emotions that we can all identify with, even though we are worlds apart. When this film is released....SEE IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The actors do not speak Syrian - there is no such thing. They speak Arabic.