Saturday, April 02, 2005

The passing of an era

Today, with the passing of Pope John Paul II, the world has lost a modern day apostle. With so many in the charismatic wing of the Body of Christ conferring such titles as apostle, prophet and bishop upon themselves, it is ironic that we should mourn today a man who sought no such title but assumed the role as titular head of the Roman Catholic communion with a rare humility and depth of servanthood. In a time where so many of our heroes fall from grace, he was a true hero, universally loved and respected by people from all wings of christendom as well as those of other faiths. He never wavered in his defense of life and human dignity. He was never political, but rather forthright in his opinions. He was a thinker, but he was a passionate and cerebral man.... a poet, a theologian, a man of the common people and a true saint.

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