Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Is there a place for satirical criticism?

The night before last, I called an old friend and we talked for a couple of hours. I had spent a number of years as his associate a few years back. Our parting was amicable and we have remained close friends even if we have not communicated regularly. As we caught up on 'news' I learned that his teaching position at a west coast Bible College had recently been terminated. The college is attached to a prominent and thriving church in the City of Portland, Oregon.
However he has recently become the subject of a blog that is a critique of this particular church and its ministry style. His dismissal drew many comments from those regular posters to this blog....so naturally being the inquisitive type I scrolled over to take a peek. While all the posts that I read were extremely complimentary and supportive of 'LT', the general tone of the blog was critical and satirical in its treatement of its subject.
My questions are... Is there a place for satirical criticism of churches and ministries by other believers? Is it another case of 'Judge not that ye be not judged'? or is there a legitimate place for using sarcasm and hyperbole to poke fun at or denigrate ministers or ministries that we might disagree with?
What do YOU think?

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