Thursday, May 24, 2007

Idol crazy

What? it's finally over? Jordin wins over Blake? Now I can finally get some sleep. Big voice overcomes beatbox and now we have two more names to add to the ever growing list of talented youngsters vying for attention in an attention deficient world. It was fun to follow, even though I had to rely on second hand reporting from my family much of the time, as I was otherwise engaged in working for a living!
But does it all amount to anything in the long run?... I think not. "What the world needs now (to quote Bacharach) is love sweet love" not another vocal gymnast to compete with the Whitneys, Mariahs and others.
Another interesting side note is just how many of the Idol finalists claimed a faith and had 'church' connections. there's a disturbing trend to ponder!

1 comment:

Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

I am probably one of the few Americans that has never (not even once) seen an episode of American Idol.

I need to get a life ...

Bobby Valentine