Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sombre Anniversary

Six years on and I wonder how many of us need to be reminded of that awful Tuesday morning. I just watched again, the very good CNN documentary on 9/11, shown for the benefit of a class of 17-19 year olds. I'm not sure that it resonated with them as much as I would have liked. Our culture suffers from short term memory and we are probably more concerned about Britney Spears career freefall than remembering the events that have brought us to this juncture in History. Maybe the members of the House and the Senate ought to take a small refresher course before some of the more ideological ones of them try to decimate the potent testimony of both General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker.
As if we needed an added injection of reality, Osama Bin Laden has issued another video calling for a caravan of martyrs to be released upon us. A word to the not so wise......George Bush is not and never has been.....The Enemy!! As braver men and women than I, fight to defend and protect freedom, I pray that this country's obsession with self absorption and tendency to sabotage its best efforts, will be halted at least for a moment, as we listen to the names of those who lost their lives on that day; and then that we, having been called to attention oncemore, would recover an urgency and commitment to triumph in this war of the worlds.

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