Saturday, September 06, 2008

Amazing turn of events - What a week!

Two momentous things happened this week. An unknown female governor of an oft-forgotten State was suddenly elevated, even catapulted, into prominence as Senator John McCain's VP running mate AND in a forgotten war, ANBAR province was handed over to Iraqi control. (See Chuck Holton's article at )
I believe both these events are related in the sense that they are both results of intercession.
Today I received this from a trusted friend:
The e-mail originates from Chuck Pierce and references Dutch Sheets - both respected voices in the Prophetic Intercession movement:


I believe you are aware that Dutch was used by the Lord to call prayer
before the 2000 Bush election that was so close. He said this morning that
this election is perhaps even more critical than 2000 because of the Supreme
Court. If the right political posture is not elected, we stand to lose
decades of progress and the repurcutions are enormous. Last year Chuck
Pierce and Greg Hood (both prophets) prophecied that in 2008 we are not
electing a president but the vice president. Dutch said he could get no
release in his heart to back Huckaby even though pressured by many in the
body of Christ. Huckaby is a good man and a strong believer, but he was not
God's choice. Dutch also told us that he knows a man who gave McCain a
prophetic word that McCain had made a vow to God when he was at the bottom
during his POW days and now God was calling in that vow. McCain was visibly
moved by this word.

Dutch was traveling to Texas on Friday and when he landed in the airport,
his wife called and told him to get to the TV asap. He watched McCain
introduce Governor Palin and said he began to weep, even though he knew
nothing about her. (I experienced the very same thing and we have had
reports of many others including Newt Gingrich.) He asked what the
significance of this 44-year-old woman was and he saw the clock said 4:44.
He asked the Lord what that was and the Lord said, 'Ezekiel 44:4.' 'He
brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple; so I looked,
and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD; and I fell
on my face. NKJV North gate representing Alaska .

A few years ago Dutch and Chuck Pierce went on a 50-state tour prophecying
over the state their part in God's purposes for the U.S. At the meeting in
Texas that evening Dutch was relaying his experience about the Governor to
Chuck who said, 'Do you remember what the word was the Lord gave us for
Alaska ?' The Lord had shown them that Alaska is the alpha and omega state.
It is the place where things begin and end.

You may realize that some of the Alaskan islands are on the other side of
the Dateline meaning that the day begins and ends in Alaska . The Lord said
that Alaska is a gateway for the Ancient of Days to come into the nation .
The Lord told Dutch (back in Alaska ) to tell the people of Alaska to look
forward into their destiny. Alaska has a assignment to open doors and a
place where prophets and intercessors were trained. It turns out that the
Govenor who was raised in a Pentecostal Church , according to our newspaper,
founded the prayer movement in Alaska .

We will be having the last of our 90 days beginning in a major gathering
Sept 11th. The significance of this is that Chuck Pierce had prophecied that
there would be 7 years of war and Sept 11 marks the end of that time and the
entering of the 8th year. Someone said that 44 = 4+4 or 8.
Dutch asked why he and Chuck were in Texas for this announcement and the
Lord reminded him that the word for Texas was that it is a prophetic state -
that the Lord's purpose for Texas is this prophetic function.

Dutch then decreed she will enter the White House. Now, if you don't know
him, he is cautious, has his feet on the ground, and never goes of 'half
cocked' when it comes to prophecy. He said that he believes as of Friday the
U.S. has come into a new level of alignment wilth the Lord and His purposes.
By the way, the Governor will be the 44th Vice President. He continued to
declare that she will be the Margaret Thatcher of America including that she
would be President one day. Many other things came forth. I literally
thought I would explode because the Lord had shown me many of these same
things yesterday.
I believe we especially need to rally prayer for the family and children of
the Governor. They will be targeted by the enemy and I believe we need
special prayer for the oldest daughter. Please take this seriously in your

When the Lord said in Seattle to go to the Northern Gate, we had no idea why
that was so very important. However, by the Spirit, I knew that Robert and
Linda Heidler were to go with Mary Glazier, a key Apostolic leader in
Alaska, who will be with us at Head of the Year. One cannot invest money
like that without hearing the Lord. We felt we were to spiritually open the
north gate because we felt Alaska would play a pivotal role in the year
ahead. We are now seeing that play out with the appointment of Sarah Palin
in as the Vice Presidential running mate for John McCain on the Republican
campaign. Dutch Sheets and I are now in Waco with a group of intercessors
praying concerning the upcoming elections.


Church Soundguy said...

From Dutch Sheets' website:

September 8, 2008


There has been an email circulating with quotes from Pastor Dutch regarding Senator McCain and Governor Palin. This was NOT an email sent by Pastor Dutch. Someone took notes during a Sunday service and sent out this email. There are several inaccuracies within its content that warrant this statement.

The comment about Sarah Palin starting the prayer movement in Alaska is incorrect. She did not start the prayer movement, however, she is a woman of prayer. Pastor Dutch did not state that she is Pentecostal; the media has published that.

The comments regarding the vow made by Senator McCain while a POW are not correct. Pastor Dutch was told that someone sent Mr. McCain a letter that was prophetic in nature and asked if he had made promises to God while a POW. It was very personal in nature and his response was not disclosed.

Lastly, the statement about Sarah Palin being the 44th Vice President is wrong. If elected into office, Governor Palin would be in the 44th administration but would be the 47th vice president.

Anonymous said...

Well said.