Friday, July 10, 2009

First Act - Intermission....

Real people with homes facing foreclosure and mounting credit card debt, lost wages and lay-offs, rising prices and diminishing paychecks - suffer. Meanwhile our politicians engage in a war of words; parsing and re-imagining, spinning and re-stating, denying and affirming, re-iterating and responding.
This in essence is the great divide - and the reason that nothing has been accomplished by this Congress and nothing will. We are fighting the wrong enemy (ourselves) and losing ground to the real foes of 'doubt' and 'fear'.
When there is a crisis of confidence you need a resurgence of the "Reagan" spirit that restored hope. President Obama evidently feels to hope might be a little audacious because he has done little else since inheriting the economy than lower expectations and revise projections. No wonder Sarah Palin has exited stage right...

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