Friday, December 26, 2008

What a day!

I have to admit - that this Christmas day was not the highlight of the holiday for me.
I had been fighting off a cold for the past few days - well yesterday the flood gates opened and although I was able to cook a full turkey dinner for 5 adults and 5 children, I was miserable most of the time doing it. Added to that I managed to block the sink and waste disposal unit with potato peelings. Then after having taken the bird out of the oven, I managed to have the oven door come apart in my hands!
We sat down to eat and by all accounts the food was good and tasty - it was hard for me to tell. Shortly after lunch I took myself off to bed listening to my Christmas present - "The Cafe Carlyle Session" by Christopher Cross. When I awoke my wife and father-in-law had fixed the oven, unplugged the sink and even managed to secure the front door....
After watching "Rocky Balboa" (excellent movie!!) I had one more mishap to recount. I divested the bird of all its meat and put the carcass into a large saucepan and proceeded to boil some stock. Reaching for another saucepan, to move it, I was unaware that the handle had become blazing hot - you got it....I grabbed it and promptly burnt my hand. I spent the next hour babying my wound with copious amounts of aloe vera gel!!
I'm having a better day today - thank-you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great food, great company...... and superb entertainment provided by the cook. Sorry you didn't feel well enough to enjoy being the star of the show.