Saturday, December 27, 2008

Random thoughts

As we fast approach the ending of one year and the beginning of the new, I pause to reflect:
The Christmas story is one of God coming into a troubled, dark, and hostile world, and from a position of obscurity bringing salvation and hope to those forgotten and marginalized by circumstances. Light coming into darkness, breaking through the darkness, revealing things hidden, shameful wounds, secret sins - exposing them to heal and then restore.
These are difficult, some would say perilous times, economically, politically, spiritually... And at a time when the people of God need to be at their best, we have been beset with scandal, infidelities, financial mismanagement, apostasy, heresies and other junk!
Just a few days ago I was made aware of a situation close to home that broke my heart - it seems that the more we try to build accountability in the Body of Christ, the greater the battle to fracture and destroy our fellowship wages. There seems to be a disconnect between belief and practice, between public pronouncement and private conduct. There is an increasing tendency within the Body of Christ to espouse a grace that covers a multitude of sins but does not seek to uphold biblical standards of behavior and integrity. I pray that 2009 will bring a change and a return to 'Kingdom" thinking.

Christian Music in 2008

I am unashamedly, a born again christian. I write, play and sing christian music; but when I look back over the past year, I am hard pressed to recall one christian album that really registered on my radar as noteworthy. Leeland's sophomore effort was a disappointment. Delirious released what might be their final album to good reviews but painfully little marketplace exposure. I have found myself reverting to older albums in my collection and even replacing old vinyl and cassette copies with CD's. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is precious little innovation in christian music today. When I perused some 'Best Of..' lists there was hardly a group that I would have crossed the street to check out. I know I'm an old fogey...but when did God's people become so dull and unadventurous? Quality music like IONA doesn't sell so their catalog is virtually impossible to obtain here in the States. I hardly listen to christian radio anymore because it's become unlistenable...mostly worship by numbers and non-descript love songs that sound like any artist could have sung them. While I enjoy Natalie Grant, Casting Crowns and Mercy Me - I find much of what I hear to be derivative and cliched.
Here's hoping for something better in 2009....

Friday, December 26, 2008

What a day!

I have to admit - that this Christmas day was not the highlight of the holiday for me.
I had been fighting off a cold for the past few days - well yesterday the flood gates opened and although I was able to cook a full turkey dinner for 5 adults and 5 children, I was miserable most of the time doing it. Added to that I managed to block the sink and waste disposal unit with potato peelings. Then after having taken the bird out of the oven, I managed to have the oven door come apart in my hands!
We sat down to eat and by all accounts the food was good and tasty - it was hard for me to tell. Shortly after lunch I took myself off to bed listening to my Christmas present - "The Cafe Carlyle Session" by Christopher Cross. When I awoke my wife and father-in-law had fixed the oven, unplugged the sink and even managed to secure the front door....
After watching "Rocky Balboa" (excellent movie!!) I had one more mishap to recount. I divested the bird of all its meat and put the carcass into a large saucepan and proceeded to boil some stock. Reaching for another saucepan, to move it, I was unaware that the handle had become blazing hot - you got it....I grabbed it and promptly burnt my hand. I spent the next hour babying my wound with copious amounts of aloe vera gel!!
I'm having a better day today - thank-you!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Obama making some courageous moves

Whether it was the decision to retain Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense or inviting Pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at his Inauguration, Barack Obama has made some courageous moves to establish himself as everyone's President. While I may reserve judgement on some of his proposals - the fact that the extreme fury of the radical gay lobby has already been unleashed - has given me hope. That may appear a mite audacious to some......but TIME's man of the year has exceeded expectations his entire political career and he continues to make some shrewd moves.

Friday, December 05, 2008

No tears for O.J.

Though there were tears from O.J. Simpson, I doubt there were too many tears shed for him today, following his sentencing for his part in an armed robbery and kidnapping episode in Las Vegas. At the age of 61, a sentence of any length would be justified in the minds of many who felt that justice was denied all those years ago in the more famous and grisly first O.J. Simpson trial. What stood out about this particular incident was the crass stupidity of it all - it was as though O.J. was in some kind of altered reality that denied him the opportunity to see clearly. Good judgement has seemed to markedly absent from his life ever since he signed on for the Naked Gun franchise!! Well the good news is there will be no riots this time and possibly no more attempts to cash in on one of America's most bizarre obsessions by O.J. himself or by anyone else even remotely connected with him. Three hots and a cot....there's something to look forward to!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's time to move on....

There has been enough lag time since the election....I think it's time to move on. Sarah Palin is back in Alaska so according to Tina Fey - she can keep an eye on Russia!
John McCain is presumably back in Arizona - or maybe at one of his houses....
the good news or bad news is that Hilary Clinton will win a consolation prize, that of Secretary of State.
Suffice to say, the world looks increasingly dangerous and America looks increasingly fragile.
That may be why I've spent the day messing around with my music collection on iTunes.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Barack or John not to your liking?

Hey if you're frustrated with the possible choices for President.... Barack - too liberal; John - too unpredictable or too old; Bob Barr- too conservative; Ralph Nader - too long-winded; Cynthia McKinney - too I have a choice for you!
Ted "Cat Scratch Fever" Nugent has an answer and pulls no punches, and I, for one am loath to argue with a gun toting shredder. He sounds like the ideal write-in candidate for the disaffected. He might scare the markets back into solvency. Just a thought.....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Cameron gives UK glimmer of hope for change

Even though all eyes are currently on the impending US election, I hope it will not be too long before the Brits have the task of electing a new Government. Although Tony Blair was a staunch American ally in the war on terror, for which we are all grateful, the incursion of the 'Nanny' state into all of British society has definitely been detrimental and has frustrated a large sector of the British populace.
It is time to rein back some of the influence of big government and this seems to be something that David Cameron is willing to do. Also, it is reassuring that, after some time, the Conservative party leadership is willing to acknowledge the immense impact of the Thatcher years and honor her forthright and principled (though sometimes heavy-handed) leadership.

Click on the title to read Cameron's address to the Conservative Party conference in full

Friday, September 12, 2008

Guess who the democratic attack dogs are now?

It seems like the broadcast media is so in the tank for the Democratic party that in order to get any exposure at all, the Republican ticket has to endure the biased vitriol of Barbara Walters, Whoopi and Joy Behar and even the pit bull tactics of a previously benign Charlie Gibson, in order to reach any mainstream audience. Compare that with the worship of Senator Obama on programs like "The View" and you quickly see that this upcoming election is never going to be played on a level playing field.
Olberman and Matthews aren't the only ones betraying their bias...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Think before you write

Thanks to some quick work by another blogger, my previous post about Sarah Palin which contained some factual inaccuracies was alerted. My mother always said it was better to think before you speak. In the same way, it is better to think before you write. Every day there emerges new information about the Republican Vice-presidential nominee. Some of it is factual – most of it unverified. I will be more circumspect in future.

However, my excitement about her candidacy remains. Just today Lee Grady posted a commentary where he talks about her in relationship to the role of Deborah in the Old testament. It is worth reading at

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Amazing turn of events - What a week!

Two momentous things happened this week. An unknown female governor of an oft-forgotten State was suddenly elevated, even catapulted, into prominence as Senator John McCain's VP running mate AND in a forgotten war, ANBAR province was handed over to Iraqi control. (See Chuck Holton's article at )
I believe both these events are related in the sense that they are both results of intercession.
Today I received this from a trusted friend:
The e-mail originates from Chuck Pierce and references Dutch Sheets - both respected voices in the Prophetic Intercession movement:


I believe you are aware that Dutch was used by the Lord to call prayer
before the 2000 Bush election that was so close. He said this morning that
this election is perhaps even more critical than 2000 because of the Supreme
Court. If the right political posture is not elected, we stand to lose
decades of progress and the repurcutions are enormous. Last year Chuck
Pierce and Greg Hood (both prophets) prophecied that in 2008 we are not
electing a president but the vice president. Dutch said he could get no
release in his heart to back Huckaby even though pressured by many in the
body of Christ. Huckaby is a good man and a strong believer, but he was not
God's choice. Dutch also told us that he knows a man who gave McCain a
prophetic word that McCain had made a vow to God when he was at the bottom
during his POW days and now God was calling in that vow. McCain was visibly
moved by this word.

Dutch was traveling to Texas on Friday and when he landed in the airport,
his wife called and told him to get to the TV asap. He watched McCain
introduce Governor Palin and said he began to weep, even though he knew
nothing about her. (I experienced the very same thing and we have had
reports of many others including Newt Gingrich.) He asked what the
significance of this 44-year-old woman was and he saw the clock said 4:44.
He asked the Lord what that was and the Lord said, 'Ezekiel 44:4.' 'He
brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple; so I looked,
and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD; and I fell
on my face. NKJV North gate representing Alaska .

A few years ago Dutch and Chuck Pierce went on a 50-state tour prophecying
over the state their part in God's purposes for the U.S. At the meeting in
Texas that evening Dutch was relaying his experience about the Governor to
Chuck who said, 'Do you remember what the word was the Lord gave us for
Alaska ?' The Lord had shown them that Alaska is the alpha and omega state.
It is the place where things begin and end.

You may realize that some of the Alaskan islands are on the other side of
the Dateline meaning that the day begins and ends in Alaska . The Lord said
that Alaska is a gateway for the Ancient of Days to come into the nation .
The Lord told Dutch (back in Alaska ) to tell the people of Alaska to look
forward into their destiny. Alaska has a assignment to open doors and a
place where prophets and intercessors were trained. It turns out that the
Govenor who was raised in a Pentecostal Church , according to our newspaper,
founded the prayer movement in Alaska .

We will be having the last of our 90 days beginning in a major gathering
Sept 11th. The significance of this is that Chuck Pierce had prophecied that
there would be 7 years of war and Sept 11 marks the end of that time and the
entering of the 8th year. Someone said that 44 = 4+4 or 8.
Dutch asked why he and Chuck were in Texas for this announcement and the
Lord reminded him that the word for Texas was that it is a prophetic state -
that the Lord's purpose for Texas is this prophetic function.

Dutch then decreed she will enter the White House. Now, if you don't know
him, he is cautious, has his feet on the ground, and never goes of 'half
cocked' when it comes to prophecy. He said that he believes as of Friday the
U.S. has come into a new level of alignment wilth the Lord and His purposes.
By the way, the Governor will be the 44th Vice President. He continued to
declare that she will be the Margaret Thatcher of America including that she
would be President one day. Many other things came forth. I literally
thought I would explode because the Lord had shown me many of these same
things yesterday.
I believe we especially need to rally prayer for the family and children of
the Governor. They will be targeted by the enemy and I believe we need
special prayer for the oldest daughter. Please take this seriously in your

When the Lord said in Seattle to go to the Northern Gate, we had no idea why
that was so very important. However, by the Spirit, I knew that Robert and
Linda Heidler were to go with Mary Glazier, a key Apostolic leader in
Alaska, who will be with us at Head of the Year. One cannot invest money
like that without hearing the Lord. We felt we were to spiritually open the
north gate because we felt Alaska would play a pivotal role in the year
ahead. We are now seeing that play out with the appointment of Sarah Palin
in as the Vice Presidential running mate for John McCain on the Republican
campaign. Dutch Sheets and I are now in Waco with a group of intercessors
praying concerning the upcoming elections.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Grand Slam for McCain!

John McCain's choice for Vice-President has effectively taken the wind out of the sails of the Obama campaign. Less than 24 hours after Barack Obama's historic and impressive speech at Invesco Field in front of 80,000 thrilled supporters, John McCain managed a grand slam of his own in naming Sarah Palin, his running mate. She is clearly pro life, clearly pro business, clearly non-Washington and EXTREMELY attractive! So if Election 2008 was in danger of becoming a beauty contest - it just went to a whole new level - with Miss Congeniality no less!!
This now makes the Republican Convention no less compelling than the Democrat one.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Where did the decathalon go?

"I'd love for this to be a spark for the decathlon," said Clay, the 2004 Olympic silver medalist, "and bring it back to the forefront."

While I certainly enjoyed Michael Phelps' extraordinary feat, and marveled at Usain Bolt's incredible domination of the sprints, I have to confess that I have been wondering, 'What happened to the Decathalon?'
For as long as I have been watching Olympics, I have always considered the Decathalon, the zenith of athletics. Names like, Rafer Johnson, Bruce Jenner, Daley Thompson and Dan O'Brien, have epitomized the super human Olympian. This time, the USA had Bryan Clay trying to improve on his silver gained in Athens and he was nowhere to be found on NBC. We saw BMX bikes, diving prelims, Water polo and endless interviews with Beach Volleyball players....Bryan Clay won Gold and we weren't able to watch! It was a travesty...just the occasional snippet of news, even the internet was no better. We even had endless analysis of baton handling. Give Bryan Clay his due... he is the true star of Beijing!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Todd Bentley update

LAKELAND | Evangelist Todd Bentley, who led a months-long faith-healing revival that attracted thousands and worldwide attention, had “an unhealthy relationship” with a female staff member during the revival, it was announced Friday by the board of his organization, Fresh Fire Ministries of Abbotsford, British Columbia.

The announcement, a statement posted on the Web site of Fresh Fire (, said the board had discovered Bentley “has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff.”

What is , "an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member"?

It is adultery in spirit as if in fact. This apparently has happened more than once.
I know that people have drawn comparisons between Todd Bentley and Samson ( ridiculous!!) but I wonder if people will finally stop putting ministers on a pedestal and start focusing on God and God alone.
Having said that, I still believe that many have been touched by outpourings such as the Lakeland one. I pray that those, who upon hearing the news, are ready to dismiss the move of God, will keep on believing the message even if the messenger is flawed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lee hits the nail on the head! ( as usual)

"To put it bluntly, we’re just plain gullible."

In those words Lee Grady sums up the view of many, I'm sure, with the news that not only has Todd Bentley left the Lakeland revival but then shortly afterward, announced that he and his wife Shonna were separating. While the circumstances surrounding the separation are not known, what is apparent is that many thousands of people and even respected leaders, seemed to uncritically endorse a revival that had certain questionable manifestations associated with it.
That in itself should once again bring into question the American pre-deliction for cults of personality, when 'moves of God' seem inextricably linked to one name.

Grady is right to call the Body of Christ to account, just as he is right to say:
"We are weathering an unprecedented season of moral failure and spiritual compromise in our nation today. I urge everyone in the charismatic world to pray for Bentley; his wife, Shonnah; his three young children; Bentley’s ministry staff; and the men and women who serve as his counselors and advisers. Let’s pray that God will turn this embarrassing debacle into an opportunity for miraculous restoration."

he is also correct in his assertion that, "...God desires to visit our nation in supernatural power. I know He wants to heal multitudes, and I will continue praying for a healing revival to sweep across the United States. But we must contend for the genuine, not an imitation. True revival will be accompanied by brokenness, humility, reverence and repentance—not the arrogance, showmanship and empty hype that often was on display in Lakeland."


Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Deafening Silence except for the thundering sound of unanswered questions...

"While many questions remain unanswered regarding John Edwards' affair with a woman he hired to produce videos of him, some Democrats are already writing off the impact of the news.

Edwards, who admitted on Friday that he had an affair with Reille Hunter after meeting her in a New York bar, insists he is not the father of Hunter's baby, Frances Quinn. A former Edwards staffer, Andrew Young, took responsibility for the child though no name for the father appears on the birth certificate."

This story is not done yet and Senator Edwards who suggested the fact that his wife's cancer was in remission as a mitigating factor, is digging a hole that even the silent Democratic party will not be able to fail to fall into. Someone ask Barack what he thinks.....

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jon Voight Sounds Off

Hats off to Jon Voight for speaking his mind in an Op-Ed piece in the Washington Times. In this politically correct world, he voices some real concerns about the upcoming presidential election as well as the misguided focus of many on the left wing who fail to see the long-term implications of their liberal extravagances.
Click on the link and check out his article:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two Americas Indeed!

I don't know if this is a spoof or not but I love this cover. Hypocrisy is alive and well in America. At the same time the LA times have instructed their reporters not to blog about the Edwards story because it originated in the National Enquirer. Funny, they didn't have the same reservation when there was innuendo about John McCain's alleged dalliance with a female lobbyist......hmmmn

Friday, July 25, 2008

Edwards in hot water

New reports are saying that Senator John Edwards, he of the youthful smile and $100 haircuts, has fathered a baby out of wedlock (I love that word!...) and ran into a host of photographers at the a Beverly Hills hotel as he was meeting with mistress and baby...
As you may recall, his wife Elizabeth is battling breast cancer. What does this remind us? Being photogenic is no mark of character... and voicing an issue ( poverty...two americas...) is all well and good, but a man who disrespects his wife in such a way does not deserve even an ounce of reportage and even less respect himself - he is , as they say in England...A CAD!!
Senator Obama - beware!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Futility Continues

Rumors of an orchestrated war continue. Ohlmert is determined to pursue a course that will lead to the disintigration of Israel from within. He makes concessions that bring no tangible benefit to Israel, but only seem to fuel Hamas and Hezbollah with the notion that Israel is too weak to maintain its borders and lacks the political will to ensure its security without appeasing those who openly seek its destruction.
Two bodies in exchange for re-invigorating the enemy - what a deal! Who has the political and moral backbone to stand up and defend Israel?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tony Snow

I along with many others were saddened to hear of the passing of Tony Snow. Always refreshingly authentic on camera, Tony made cable news palatable for me. His personal warmth was only exceeded by his obvious comprehension of the world both temporal and spiritual. I can still recall his tear choked tribute at the end of Fox News Sunday. He was endearing and will be greatly missed. What greater tribute than to hear two presidents call him a good man.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I'm on vacation and theoretically that means I can choose what I would like to do....
And so I have chosen to spend a little time recording some new songs!
Tonight I have almost completed the track for a song called "The Birds are singing His praise" (yeah it's a little long.....) Will update later.

Friday, June 27, 2008

'Toine in Memphis - answer to prayer!

Overnight a trade brought MY favorite NBA player to Memphis! That my friends , is an answer to prayer! Now Antoine Walker may have seen his best days, but he did win a championship ring with the Heat two seasons ago. He can still play and he's always played well in Memphis. I'm orderin' tickets!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A nostalgic trip

A pleasant evening of relaxation means a good movie and a bowl of ice-cream.
" The Princess Bride" was the first date movie I took Allison to. It has remained a beloved treasure. I recently purchased the DVD and viewed it this evening. Watching it again was like becoming reacquainted with an old friend. Maybe it's time for you to be re-introduced to a favorite movie once again,,,,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Maybe he listens to Lil' Wayne?

The men arrested in the slayings of an aspiring Christian singer and his colleague at a Texas recording studio said in a chilling jailhouse interview the victims were killed at random in a robbery that netted only $2.

Cousins James Broadnax and Demarius Dwight Cummings, both 19, face capital murder charges in the deaths of singer Matthew Butler, a father of two, and Stephen Swan, his employee, outside Butler's Christian recording studio, Zion Gate Records in Garland, Texas.

Broadnax and Cummings, speaking to from the Dallas County Jail, told the station of their plans to rob somebody the night of June 18. They traveled by train from Dallas to the suburb of Garland because "that's where all the rich white folks stay at," Broadnax said.

Their targets turned out to be Butler, 28, and Swan, 26.

"I made sure they was dead," Broadnax told

His voice wavering, Broadnax recounted in blood-curdling detail how he shot the men to death in a parking lot outside the recording studio after Cummings asked for a cigarette.

"I just blanked the f--- out," Broadnax said. "I shot him [Butler] and he stumbled back. I shot the driver [Swan]. He hit the ground, you know what I'm saying, but he leaned up like he was going to try to get back up, so I shot him in the head.

"Then his homeboy, I shot his a-- again, you know what I'm saying, but he was still trying to run off," he continued. "I knew he was going to die anyway, but just to make sure — pop, pop."

Broadnax said he shot Butler twice in the head.

I have seen too much evidence of young men both black and white who have appeared to have grown up without a conscience. No remorse - hardened by life and hardened to life. They embrace the notion of 'gangsta' - and unfortunately unlike Lil' Wayne (see previous post) are never going to live to brag about their rise to fame!

An afternoon w/ Lil' Wayne

I promised my eldest son that I would listen to the latest Cd by Rapper Lil' Wayne before I dismissed his lack of judgement. So with headphones on I settled down (!) for a 77 minute joyride in the presence of "the greatest rapper of his generation".
Without being unduly unkind - there was some definite skill in wordplay demonstrated throughout. There was the presence of commercial and annoyingly good backbeats and samples. "Lollipop" is an insiduous track that slides into the subconcious before you fully realize the overt oral sexual overtones.
Of course I was listening to the 'unclean' version - and therein lies a problem. How clever a wordsmith do you have to be to use f*@# or m-F or b**tch a thousand times - I can get a dose of that everyweek in my Jail GED class - unfortunately many young black males live in a distorted "WAYNE'S WORLD" but without the bling and the arrogant self promotion.
I wish my son had been exposed to REAL afro-american writing and poetry from the likes of James Baldwin, Langston Hughes and even Gil Scott-Heron before he rose to acclaim Mr Carter as a great poet.
I wish that I could say that my afternoon with Lil' Wayne had a redemptive purpose or an educational, uplifting outcome. Instead I was left with the impression that he is symptomatic of a problem, not an attempt to be a solution, to the plight of the oppressed minorities, whether racially or economically. I am looking for a voice to arise out of the urban landscape that not only speaks truth to power but does it in a way that brings life! Up to this point there has only been one in my lifetime - Martin Luther King, and there is only one who can truly set people free by his word and that is Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

John Thornton - One of the 'Good" Bengals!

I am a long time Cincinnati Bengals fan, though I have been both frustrated and disappointed over the years at some of the attitudes and actions of the team. How refreshing to be reminded of the good that continues through the likes of John Thornton. His off the field activities have truly made a difference in the greater community and it's good for THAT story to be told, instead of news of another arrest, suspension or whiny hold-out by ocho cinco

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Pastor who wouldn't leave....

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright continues to make news as he conducts a media tour that surely has the Obama campaign in a 'tizz'. Rather than pouring oil on troubled waters, Barack Obama's former Pastor has put fuel to the fire of controversy in a way that is hard to fathom, if indeed, he is supportive of his protogee's run for the White House. Which leads me to wonder whether there is an overwhelming ego issue behind these latest moves. When a popular preacher steps out of the pulpit, a large part of their identity leaves with them. Charismatic personalities can be quite insecure when separated from their audience and whether Jeremiah Wright can ever truly retire is at question. Needless to say, his addiction for attention might render Barack Obama's election quest null and void. On the other hand, he might unwittingly be exposing the politicized black church to attention it really doesn't need, which would have political ramifications far beyond the 2008 race for the White House.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Return to Devotion

Acts 2:42 (NRSV) They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Talk to people about church these days and they will talk about the music program, the youth program, the preacher and sundry other related topics but rarely do they mention 'devotion'. It's a word that means “Ardent, often selfless affection and dedication, as to a person or principle” or “Religious ardor or zeal; piety.” It's a ancient demonstration of religious life that has sadly fallen from use and favor in a world run by clock and schedule. We have a 'busy' religion as if 'busy' makes us better or at very least, less likely to sin!
The early church was much more organic in nature and simpler in practice. It maintained its life by merely focusing on the kernel of the Gospel, proclaimed by the witnesses of it. By hanging with those who possessed the genuine life of Christ, they sustained their own. We on the other hand seem to run from fellowship rather than embrace it, maybe afraid to let our lives be seen in the light of His true Body – the Church.
The breaking of the bread, of course, spoke of the practice of remembering Christ's death in what became the Eucharist, but it also spoke of community fashioned by those willing to sit down together at the same table. The prayers of the saints together further established and fostered that sense of one body, sharing in the one bread and together liturgizing before the Father, letting their requests be made known – I doubt there was such a thing as an 'unspoken ' request in those days!
Which brings me to my central point – that of a move towards simplification. I have a desire to strip away those things that are merely accepted practice, but maybe non-essential in our effort to see God's Kingdom come. You see, the passage from Acts goes on to remind us that during this time, people were being added 'daily' to this wonderful entity called the 'church'. Unfortunately as I look around, I rarely see signs of that kind of growth. Even more striking is the number of people who are exiting the church, for various reasons – one of the main one's being its lack of relevance and responsiveness to people's everyday lives.
Maybe it's time for a return to devotion and a reformation that renews the simplicity of true koinonia (fellowship) that allows people to embrace Jesus for reasons other than making me too busy for sin but too tired for service. In light of that I am glad that groups such as Mission Mississippi promote the coming together of Pastors, lay people and business people in their effort to change Mississippi – One relationship at a time! It's a concrete answer to a complex problem and a simpler solution than most that have been espoused by church growth experts and missiologists. It's one however that I feel is right in line with Acts 2:42.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Race crying 'racism'

“The African American Church was born out of the crucible of slavery and the legacy of prophetic African American preachers since slavery has been and continues to heal broken marginalized victims of social and economic injustices. This is an attack on the legacy of the African American Church which led and continues to lead the fight for human rights in America and around the world.” Reverend Otis Moss III, pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ.

"Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached the Christian tenet, “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Before Dr. King was murdered on April 4, 1968, he preached, “The 11 o’clock hour is the most segregated hour in America.” Forty years later, the African American Church community continues to face bomb threats, death threats, and their ministers’ characters are assassinated because they teach and preach prophetic social concerns for social justice. Sunday is still the most segregated hour in America."

The discussion over Barack Obama's mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright JR, continues, with a statement issued from the church that he founded. It's one thing to talk about the role of the African American Church, important as it has been for all the reasons stated - but then to trot out the cliche about the 11'O' clock hour still being the most segregated hour in America, is disingenuous. For there to be a segregated hour there needs to be an African American Church whose identity and distinctive based on ethnicity alone. In the same way there needs to be a white church to remain just as ethno-centric. Where is the call to true Christo-centric christianity where there is no Jew or Greek, Slave or Free but all are ONE IN CHRIST?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama's crazy mentor

“The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. The government lied.”
Just one example of the rhetoric spewed from Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr's mouth as the Obama campaign try to distance themselves from their spiritual roots. If you believe this conspiracy theory, then Hillary's right wing conspiracy theory sounds pretty tame....
“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because of stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own backyard. America is chickens coming home to roost.”

This from a man that visited Colonel Gaddafi in Libya while they were still a bona-fide state sponsor of terror....
Barack - you may have charisma, but your associations may yet be your downfall!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Same ol' Story Same ol' Song.....

If it's Monday it must be sex/political scandal time. I'm sure this is another case of pseudo-invincibility, where a powerful person somehow believes that 'they' will be the one that DOESN'T get caught!
As of this writing , Gov. Spitzer has not resigned, but then again neither did President Clinton....

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Song for a small circle of friends

What an awesome yet poignant video! Wonderful song that was Larry's way of reaching out to those known and unknown who crossed his path. He never sang a song the same way twice....I think, judging from the posts on the website, he had a wider circle of influence than even he was aware of....

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Passing of Larry Norman

I was saddened to hear of the passing of possibly the most influential christian musician of my lifetime. His revolutionary music and lyrics gave hope to those of us who were reaching for Jesus while at the same time dreading the surrender of their art and music. The discovery of "Bootleg" followed by "The Trilogy" and of course "Upon this Rock" allowed myself and thousands of others to have the courage not to lay down our guitars but use them as weapons of worship and evangelism. My spiritual growth and development as a christian songwriter owes an immeasurable debt to the pioneering work of Larry Norman. Witnessing him live was to be challenged to be bold and tender at the same time. Sure, he could be obtuse and wierd but he could in the next breath be uproariously funny and then achingly beautiful. His voice was totally unmistakeable and the sheer numbers of artists who credit his influence is a testament to his genius. I am only grateful I managed to see my 'hero' a number of times at the height of his powers. He was a true giant in the musical universe and more relevant than 99% of so called contemporary christian music. Peace....